Budgeting - Key to Financial Success

22 Oct 2024

Budgeting - Key to Financial Success

Let's discuss a crucial money management technique that can guide you to financial abundance: Budgeting. Many people resist budgeting, but when done correctly, it can transform the way you manage money, much like running your life as efficiently as a business. Let's discuss the process step by step.

Step 1:
Begin by identifying your income, which includes all sources of money. It consists of the main income from your job or business, as well as any additional income, such as rental income or some kind of royalty income or interest/dividends. At the end of this, you’ll find a tool in Tracker Guru to help you record your monthly budget.

Step 2:
Next, list and categorize all your expenses into four groups: Fixed, Variable, Periodic, and Discretionary expenses. The most effective way to calculate your monthly expenses is by recording them daily. Develop a habit to write each day,  your spending, ideally before going to bed. It will help you much.

  • Fixed Expenses: These are regular monthly expenses that typically remain constant, such as rent/EMI, school fees, insurance premiums, and car payments.
  • Variable Expenses: These occur monthly but vary in amount, including food, utilities, fuel, and household expenses.
  • Periodic Expenses: These are regular but non-monthly expenses, such as insurance payments, medical expenses, and home/auto maintenance.
  • Discretionary Expenses: These are non-essential expenses, or luxuries, like vacations, gifts, personal care, and entertainment.

Step 3:
Analyze your budget. Once you’ve calculated your monthly income vis-a-vis expenses, you can determine whether your budget is in a surplus or deficit. If you have a surplus, consider saving or investing the extra income, possibly with the help of a financial expert.

However, if you’re running a deficit, reevaluate your budget. Identify and cut back on unnecessary expenses. You should earn more if you are not reducing expenses. Remember to track every rupee as if your money were your employee. Just as companies create balance sheets and profit and loss accounts, you should do the same for your finances.

After you start tracking your cash flow with your budget, the next step is to follow the 60-40 rule we discussed earlier. Begin small and gradually build up. Prioritize creating an emergency fund and then focus on building long-term assets according to your goals. Regularly following this plan year by year will give significant financial gains.

This process works regardless of your income level. It doesn't require exceptional intelligence or wealth—just consistent action. The key to financial success is consistency.

Financial freedom is not accumulating enormous wealth; actually, it's having control over your life and goals. In the broader context of life, budgeting is the tool that paves the way to financial freedom. For young individuals in India, adopting a budgeting mindset tailored to their circumstances is the key to a future of abundance.

Note it, making a budget is not about only restriction expenses; it gives empowerment. With a well-crafted budget, you can shape your financial destiny and live a life that aligns with your dreams and aspirations. So, start your budgeting journey today, and let your financial freedom unfold in the vibrant landscape of India. Happy budgeting, fellow dreamers! May your financial freedom be as vast as the spirit of this incredible nation.

In India, we have a lot of great opportunities. The coming decades belong to us. It's time to soar high and live the life you love.

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